INTRODUCTION Most clerical staff, receptionists and junior secretaries are being left behind and often they are assumed as less important members of the team. Their positions are as backup teams, [...]
INTRODUCTION A secretary and PA is an important team member in an organization. This is because without a solid an undivided support from the secretaries and personal assistants, the smooth [...]
INTRODUCTION Organizations these days are physically run by middle level management. There is bulk of the work done by a large group of employees at this level. Most tasks and [...]
INTRODUCTION Every company survival, progress, whether it ‘lives’ or ‘dies’ depends on the basis of proper estimation of its costs and estimation of product or service pricing. Every cost conscious [...]
INTRODUCTION Like it or not, budget is the yardstick that top management uses to measure your actual performance. Learn budget planning skills and see how your managerial decisions translate into [...]
INTRODUCTION Uncertainties in the global economy are making revenue maintenance increasingly difficult. In a competitive market with virtually no price advantage, the only way to succeed and survive is by [...]
INTRODUCTION This course is designed to help you find the ‘Leader’ in yourself as you perform your Executive and/or Managerial duties. This course is suited for the Executives as well [...]
INTRODUCTION Effective delegation is one of the most valuable skills you can master. It reduces your workload and develops employee skills. Delegating prepares employees who work for you become able [...]
PENGENALAN Rancangan perniagaan adalah satu dokumen bertulis yang menerangkan tentang perniagaan yang hendak dijalankan. Ia merupakan “blue print” perniagaan untuk menerangkan mengenai kajian yang telah dijalankan dan perancangan perniagaan yang [...]