INTRODUCTION It is important to understand that, organization handle problematic employees in many situa-tions differently and not all HR personnel, supervisors or even HOD have a knowledge on coun-selling. Most [...]
INTRODUCTION It is important to understand that, organization handle problematic employees in many situations differently and not all HR personnel, supervisors or even HOD have a knowledge on counseling. Most [...]
ISO 017- ISO 27001: 2013 Understanding & Implementing Training, 15 & 16 June 2023
RM 1,990.00
0 Available seats
Introduction We are pleased to be given the opportunity to offer our services and submit here with a proposal for the effective establishment of an ISO 27001:2013 UNDERSTANDING AND IMPLEMENTING. [...]
Introduction This course is designed to help you find the LEADER in yourself as you perform Supervisory and management duties. This course is also suited for the newly promoted who [...]
Introduction This course is designed to help you find the LEADER in yourself as you perform Supervisory and management duties. This course is also suited for the newly promoted who [...]
Introduction This course is designed to help you find the LEADER in yourself as you perform Supervisory and management duties. This course is also suited for the newly promoted who [...]
Introduction This course is designed to help you find the LEADER in yourself as you perform Supervisory and management duties. This course is also suited for the newly promoted who [...]
Introduction This course is designed to help you find the LEADER in yourself as you perform Supervisory and management duties. This course is also suited for the newly promoted who [...]
Introduction This course is designed to help you find the LEADER in yourself as you perform Supervisory and management duties. This course is also suited for the newly promoted who [...]