CIV 001 – Pengurusan Penyenggaraan dan Kemudahan Bangunan, 8 & 9 November 2023

INTRODUCTION Facilities Management is strategic and timely planning Asset Management to achieve a satisfactory level of service delivery. Objective Plan , monitor and control the timely execution of the activities and services from the Commencement Date until the end of the contract Track and monitor the progress of the activities and services

CWS 005 – Spoken & Written Business English , 14 & 15 November 2023

INTRODUCTION English Proficiency for Support Staff takes into consideration the needs of Malaysian adults who fall into this category. On top of covering the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening, it contains the necessary elements of grammar and communication. It is vital for all participants to understand how communication is part and parcel of language. […]

CWS 009 – Kursus Penulisan Surat Rasmi & Memo Berkualiti, 14 & 15 November 2023

PENGENALAN Ramai pegawai dalam mana-mana organisasi mengambil mudah mengenai kepentingan dokumen seperti surat rasmi, memo dan emel. Namun apabila diberikan tugasan bagi menyediakan dokumen berkenaan, hasilnya kadangkala tidak seperti yang dijangkakan. Realitinya, dokumen mudah ini membawa beban berat sebagai wakil organisasi dalam proses komunikasi tulisan. Oleh yang demikian, kemahiran penyediaan dokumen rasmi pengurusan yang berkesan […]

LDM 015 – Managing Problematic Employees, 20 & 21 November 2023

INTRODUCTION It is important to understand that, organization handle problematic employees in many situations differently and not all HR personnel, supervisors or even HOD have a knowledge on counseling. Most of minor misconduct required counseling session in the initial stage. The purpose of this training is to provide proper techniques and steps we use in […]

MKT 006 – Digital Marketing Masterclass, 20 & 21 November 2023

INTRODUCTION In the current environment, digital marketing is an important strategy for any organization especially if they are targeting the younger generation.   As such, it is important for organizations to make use of digital marketing in generating leads and turning those leads into sales. This program seeks to help participants to understand more about social […]

MKT 009 – Business Fundamental: Effective Networking 20 & 21 November 2023

INTRODUCTION Interpersonal and communication skills are essential for all aspects of our business and private lives. This course is for individuals, team leaders and managers who need to and want to ensure that they are maximizing their ability to communicate and work with others, avoiding conflict and disharmony. The program allows you to identify and […]

CWS 012 – Effective Communication Skill, 20 & 21 November 2023

INTRODUCTION The working world involves the constant use of verbal of communication. Speaking is easy to do. The question is this – when you speak does it impact the listener? Do they follow your words and do as you wish them to? Do you get the desired result? Also, do you walk away from conversations […]

SWP 004- Pendidikan, Pencegahan dan Pembasmian Gangguan Seksual di Tempat Kerja, 21 & 22 November 2023

Pengenalan Pada bulan September 1999, YB Menteri Sumber Manusia telah melancarkan Kod Amalan Pencegahan dan Pembasmian Gangguan  Seksual Di Tempat Kerja. Kod Amalan ini dibuat bagi memberi garis panduan kepada majikan tentang bagaimana mencegah dan membasmi gangguan seksual di tempat kerja. Ini adalah kerana, jika gangguan seksual dibenarkan atau mudah berlaku di tempat kerja, maka […]

TRG 002 – Training Needs Analysis for Positive ROI, 22 & 23 November 2023

Objective At the end of this training session, among others, participant will be able to: Review the Common Training process Flow Understand The important of Training Need analysis Build up the TNA framework activities Choosing appropriate TNA methodology that suite to their organization Understand the role of evaluator Understand the TNA Operational, individual, Competencies and […]

LSP 002 – Analytical and Creative Thinking using Lego Serious Play 22 & 23 November 2023

INTRODUCTION The workshop is specially designed to enable participants for skillful analytical thinking. There is lots of focus on actual case studies on the critical points required for analytical thinking and how knowing these will empower you. Workshop starts with Foundations for Analytical Thinking. Develops a range of skills and uses case studies to allow […]

MOF 003 – Microsoft Excel (Beginner to Advanced) 23 & 24 November 2023

Objective This course introduces participants Beginner, Intermediate and Advance levels to the Basic of Microsoft Excel. Participants will learn the basics skills necessary to create and edit basic worksheets and workbooks, enter data, formulas, format and print workbooks. Participants gain knowledge on working with Name Ranges, more complex formulas and functions, They will learn how […]

PYR 002 – Pentadbiran dan Pengurusan Gaji yang Efektif Mengikut Akta Kerja 1955, 27 & 28 November 2023

PENGENALAN Mana-mana organisasi yang mempunyai pekerja, sudah pasti perlu mentadbir dan mengurus gaji pekerja. Pentadbiran dan Pengurusan Gaji pekerja yang baik sudah tentu akan dapat membuat pekerja seronok dan meningkatkan motivasi mereka.Bagi mereka yang terlibat di dalam Pengurusan Gaji, mengetahui secara terperinci tentang hal ehwal pengurusan gaji adalah merupakan satu kemestian. Kesilapan dan kesalahan perlu […]