HSE 002 – Health, Safety & Environment , 27 & 28 November 2023

INTRODUCTION The course covers aspects of health, safety and environment (HSE) relating to the workplace environment. The roles of management and non-management personnel in the development and implementation of a successful health and safety program are addressed. The course focuses on the principles of occupational HSE, specifically the following major components: management, hazard impact and […]

HRM 006 – Kursus Pra Persaraan Membina Persaraan Yang Cemerlang , 27 & 28 November 2023

PENGENALAN Setiap seorang pekerja baik sektor awam atau swasta akan menempuh saat persaraan ketika mencecah usia yang berkenaan. Pada saat ini setiap individu mempunyai dilemma untuk menghadapi hidup menempuh alam yang baru yang tentunya berbeza dari alam sebelumnya. Persediaan haruslah dilakukan dari mental dan fizikal dalam usaha membina corak kehidupan selepas persaraan. Kursus pra-persaraan ini […]

CWS 016 – Power Up Presentation Skill, 4 & 5 December 2023

INTRODUCTION The working world involves the constant use of verbal communication. Speaking is easy to do. The question is this – when you speak does it impact the listener? Do they follow your words and do as you wish them to? Do you get the desired results? Also, do you walk away from presentations and […]

STW 006- Pengurusan Aset, 4 & 5 December 2023

Pengenalan Sistem pengurusan aset ialah proses yang digunakan oleh sesebuah organisasi untuk memantau dan mengurus aset mereka. Pengurusan aset yang efektif membolehkan organisasi tersebut untuk memaksimumkan pulangan pelaburan mereka dan meminimumkan kerugian. Melalui pengurusan aset yang efektif ini, pihak pengurusan dapat menjejaki prestasi keseluruhan dan keadaan aset mereka dan memastikan ianya digunakan dengan cekap sepanjang […]

PDM 015 – Grooming & Etiquette, 4 & 5 December 2023

Introduction How confident are you or your employee in the knowledge of business etiquette? Have you ever been embarrassed by not knowing quite the right handle yourself in social situations? Can a limp handshake sabotage a merger deal? Is your dress sabotage your career? Objective At the end of the course: Participants have a better […]

NLP 012 – Master Your Mind! for Managers & Leaders Using NLP, 5 & 6 December 2023

INTRODUCTION There are many companies where leaders and managers are looking forward inspire themselves and their workforce but without much success. This powerful transformational and experiential workshop will ignite your passion for work & life; and inspire you as well as show you how to inspire your staff to outdo current performance levels and attain […]

PYR 004 -Akta Pekerjaan 1955 dan Pindaan 2022, 13 & 14 December 2023

PENGENALAN Mulai pada 1 Januari 2023, Akta Kerja 1955 telah dipinda mula berkuatkuasa. Pindaan ini akan memberi impak yang besar terutamanya kepada majikan. Pindaan juga telah dibuat terhadap Jadual 1 Akta yang menyebabkan skop liputan Akta terhadap pekerja di Semenanjung Malaysia semakin luas. Maka dengan itu, polisi dan prosedur pengurusan sumber manusia juga turut perlu […]

DVS 002 – Pemanduan Defensif (Defensive Driving), 18 & 19 December 2023

PENGENALAN Untuk mengurangkan kadar kemalangan dan kematian atas jalan raya. Untuk menghalang kemalangan dengan mengenal pasti risikonya – kawasan sekeliling/ sikap/ kekurangan maklumat. Objektif Diakhir sesi latihan ini, peserta akan dapat mempelajari: Mempersiap pemandu dengan gaya pemanduan yang akan mengurangkan kadar risiko semasa memandu. Kursus ini direka untuk mengubah tabiat pemandu sewaktu memandu kenderaan. Kebanyakkan pemandu mempunyai sikap pemanduan yang tidak sepatutnya […]

ELC 017 – Basic Electricity for Non-Electrician, 18 & 19 December 2023

INTRODUCTION This course is designed for Managers, Executives, Supervisors or even normal employees who have no electrical backgrounds but have to work in electronic environment for eg. Supervisors for Electrical Lab, Process engineer which deals with a lot of electrical equipment, or even an operator who is waiting for an opportunity to be promoted as […]

MOF 005 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, 18 & 19 December 2023

INTRODUCTION This course introduces participants to the basics of Microsoft PowerPoint Participants will learn to create a simple presentation by adding  & modifying text, simple graphics and printing the presentation OBJECTIVES Discuss on how Microsoft PowerPoint can be an appropriate tool to run a day to day-business. Illustrate the different components of Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 […]

STW 003 – Pengurusan Stor & Inventori Secara Berkesan, 20 & 21 December 2023

PENGENALAN Tugas yang berkaitan dengan pengurusan inventori dan stor adalah berbeza mengikut saiz dan jenis syarikat. Pengurusan inventori dan stor yang berkesan adalah tanggungjawab yang penting, kerana stor tidak menjual barangan yang mereka kendalikan, hanya menyimpannya atau menyediakan perkhidmatan logistik sehingga barangan dihantar kepada pelanggan yang dimaksudkan. Prosedur dan sistem kawalan stok serta fungsi pengambilan […]

LDM 033 – Leadership In Your Role Of Supervisor/Manager 20 & 21 December 2023

Introduction This course is designed to help you find the LEADER in yourself as you perform Supervisory and management duties. This course is also suited for the newly promoted who are just into the role of a New Manager. This workshop is presented in two parts, beginning with understanding & managing self and thereafter, proceeding […]