Contact Jumari Kosrin
About Jumari Kosrin
- Bachelor of Syariah (Hons) Law & Administration
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
His experience included Management and Motivation. He has vast experience and excellent language abilities in English and Malay. He is delighted to see, though the instruments of training, his continuing participation and contribution to applicable in the workplace environment. He has always been highly rated as “Excellent” by the participants from the various organisations. His skills and experience make him a valued trainer for organizations.
En Jumari started his career in training scene for more than 10 years. He has conducted various training programs to various corporate clients. He was responsible for implementing organization-wide training programs. His experience included Management and Motivation.
He already experience in conducting training such as Team Building & Motivation, Train The Trainer, Professional Grooming, Protocol and Social Etiquette, Supervisory Skill, Communication Skills, Career & Motivation, Leadership and Supervisory Skill, Self Improvement, Positive Work Attitude, Files and records management and latest training is Quality of writing letters and documents in Bahasa Malaysia. His skill and experience made him a valued trainer for organization such as Pusat Serenti, Pasukan Bomba dan Penyelamat, IKSEP, National Semi Conductor Melaka, Pejabat Belia dan Sukan, Higher Learning Institution , STRIDE and NGO