FIN 001 – Finance for Non Finance: Empowering Financial Context, 18 January 2024

INTRODUCTION A general understanding of Finance for Non-Financial Managers is needed in any business environment where individuals have to manage budgets or costs and to take responsibility for revenue or expenditure. With the increasing emphasis on business results it is necessary for every manager to know and understand some of the techniques and actions necessary […]

MUL 001 – Adobe Photoshop (Infographic Design), 29 January 2024

Introduction Infographics, ranging in size and scope from a three-inch pie chart to a multipage, full-color spread, infographics add visual appeal and detail to virtually any story. This is an interesting time for infographics. We crave information and entertainment, and in a world that’s crowded with data, an attractive visual presentation can help your story […]

SWP 001 – Safety and Health Awareness at Workplace, 29 January 2024

INTRODUCTION Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) at Workplace especially at industrial sector, in order to provide awareness to employer and employees pertaining hazard, risk and threat at workplace. The intention of this training is to create awareness people to identify what is hazard ad risk, how to conduct risk assessment, what is corrective and preventive […]

PDM 032 – Stress Management, 30 January 2024

Introduction Stress is a prevalent issue in today’s fast-paced world, affecting individuals personally and professionally. This two-day course is designed to equip participants with practical tools and strategies to effectively manage stress. In addition to stress management techniques, this course emphasizes the importance of prioritization, innovation and strong communications in reducing stress and achieving personal […]

FAD 003 – Managing Office Records & Filing System Impressively, 7 February 2024

INTRODUCTION The basic objective of a good filling system is to be able to find the record you need; quickly and economically, regardless of its format. The goal of a good filling system is to provide quick access to information. Files management is essential for records management. Records Management is the application of systematic control […]

FAD 002 – Pengurusan & Pentadbiran Pejabat, 7 February 2024

PENGENALAN Para pembantu tadbir dan kumuplan sokongan adalah merupakan ahli-ahli yang penting di dalam sebuah organisasi. Ini adalah kerana tanpa sokongan yang padu daripada mereka, kelancaran perjalanan organisasi akan terjejas. Modul in telah disusun khusus untuk para pembantu tadbir dan staff kumpulan sokongan untuk memberi pendedahan kepada konsep kualiti dan pembangunan diri dan membawa mereka […]

MKT 006 – Digital Marketing Masterclass, 16 February 2024

INTRODUCTION In the current environment, digital marketing is an important strategy for any organization especially if they are targeting the younger generation.   As such, it is important for organizations to make use of digital marketing in generating leads and turning those leads into sales. This program seeks to help participants to understand more about social […]

MOF 005 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, 19 February 2024

INTRODUCTION This course introduces participants to the basics of Microsoft PowerPoint Participants will learn to create a simple presentation by adding  & modifying text, simple graphics and printing the presentation OBJECTIVES Discuss on how Microsoft PowerPoint can be an appropriate tool to run a day to day-business. Illustrate the different components of Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 […]

ISO 003 – ISO 9001: 2015 Awareness, 20 February 2024

INTRODUCTION ISO 9001:2015 is basically a method to enhance the organization’s overall business performance. ISO 9001:2015 provides an organization with a solid base for initiatives for business sustainability. The management system is an investment for the company’s profitability and sustainability. It helps the subscribing organization to enhance customer satisfaction and handle risks and opportunities effectively. […]

LDM 019- Pengurusan Konflik dan Kerjasama Berkumpulan, 26 February 2024

PENGENALAN Dalam senario pekerjaan, pasti akan ada waktu dimana tiada tolan ansur. Hal ini akan mendorong kepada berlakunya perselisihan fahaman dan konflik. Kursus satu hari ini akan membincangkan pelbagai punca dan cara untuk membantu anda dalam mengurus konflik. Pengurusan konflik ini akan menjadi lebih berkesan dengan wujudnya kerjasama berpasukan. Kebaikkan kerjasama berkumpulan ini akan dapat […]

PYR 002 – Pentadbiran dan Pengurusan Gaji yang Efektif Mengikut Akta Kerja 1955, 28 February 2024

PENGENALAN Mana-mana organisasi yang mempunyai pekerja, sudah pasti perlu mentadbir dan mengurus gaji pekerja. Pentadbiran dan Pengurusan Gaji pekerja yang baik sudah tentu akan dapat membuat pekerja seronok dan meningkatkan motivasi mereka.Bagi mereka yang terlibat di dalam Pengurusan Gaji, mengetahui secara terperinci tentang hal ehwal pengurusan gaji adalah merupakan satu kemestian. Kesilapan dan kesalahan perlu […]

HSE 005 – Productivity, Safety and Effective 5S, 5 March 2024

Introduction 5S is much more than just “housekeeping”. Housekeeping and an organized workplace are the results of 5S, but the real purpose of 5S is to uncover errors and problems more quickly. Implementing 5S at the same time will enhance Productivity and Safety as well.”. Objectives At the end of this course the participants will […]