FIN 013- Personal Financial Planning, 5 & 6 August 2024

INTRODUCTION This course is a general overview of a variety of personal finance topics – including budgeting, the importance of your credit score, cash flow, setting financial goals, and taxes. Whether you are just starting college, nearing retirement, or somewhere in between, this course will provide you with the knowledge to understand your money and […]

HRM 001 – Pengurusan Strategik, 5 & 6 Ogos 2024

PENGENALAN “Strategi” dari perkataan Greeks “strategos” bererti tentera dan memimpin.  Pada mulanya “strategi” digunakan bagi maksud peranan kepimpinan seorang jeneral yang memerintah dengan tujuan ketenteraan. Kombinasi antara seni dan sains dalam pengurusan yang memberi penekanan komprehensif terhadap: Proses menggubal, melaksana, dan menilai pencapaian strategi. Pengurusan strategik ini sangat penting kepada golongan professional pelbagai agensi bagi […]

STW 003 – Pengurusan Stor & Inventori Secara Berkesan, 12 & 13 August 2024

PENGENALAN Tugas yang berkaitan dengan pengurusan inventori dan stor adalah berbeza mengikut saiz dan jenis syarikat. Pengurusan inventori dan stor yang berkesan adalah tanggungjawab yang penting, kerana stor tidak menjual barangan yang mereka kendalikan, hanya menyimpannya atau menyediakan perkhidmatan logistik sehingga barangan dihantar kepada pelanggan yang dimaksudkan. Prosedur dan sistem kawalan stok serta fungsi pengambilan […]

FAD 002 – Pengurusan & Pentadbiran Pejabat, 12 & 13 August 2024

PENGENALAN Para pembantu tadbir dan kumuplan sokongan adalah merupakan ahli-ahli yang penting di dalam sebuah organisasi. Ini adalah kerana tanpa sokongan yang padu daripada mereka, kelancaran perjalanan organisasi akan terjejas. Modul in telah disusun khusus untuk para pembantu tadbir dan staff kumpulan sokongan untuk memberi pendedahan kepada konsep kualiti dan pembangunan diri dan membawa mereka […]

MTN 007- Measurement And Calibration , 19 August 2024

INTRODUCTION Accurate measurements are essential in today’s industry as they ensure product quality, operational efficiency, and regulatory compliance. Precise measurements underpin quality control processes, enabling  manufacturers to produce goods that meet specifications and customer expectations. They also enhance efficiency by optimizing resource use and minimizing waste. In industries such as pharmaceuticals, aerospace, and food processing, […]

DVS 002 – Pemanduan Defensif (Defensive Driving), 19 & 20 August 2024

PENGENALAN Untuk mengurangkan kadar kemalangan dan kematian atas jalan raya. Untuk menghalang kemalangan dengan mengenal pasti risikonya – kawasan sekeliling/ sikap/ kekurangan maklumat. Objektif Diakhir sesi latihan ini, peserta akan dapat mempelajari: Mempersiap pemandu dengan gaya pemanduan yang akan mengurangkan kadar risiko semasa memandu. Kursus ini direka untuk mengubah tabiat pemandu sewaktu memandu kenderaan. Kebanyakkan pemandu mempunyai sikap pemanduan yang tidak sepatutnya […]

CRM 009 – Effective Customer Relationship, 19 & 20 August 2024

INTRODUCTION Today’s customers are a fast-moving, demanding crowd. They are looking for products and services that are proven yet innovative. They want information at their fingertips. With the right Customer Service management solutions in place, we can help organizations to build and nurture lasting one-on-one relationships with customers. Thus, it enhances the business efficiencies and […]

SWP 007 – Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022, 21 & 22 August 2024

Introduction This training helps the participants to identify the applicable Safety and Health Legal Requirement pertaining OSHA (amendment) 2022 which was gazetted on 16 March 2022 and comes into operation on 1 June 2024. This course i to provide detail explanation on all Safety and Health related legal requirements based on OSHA 1994 as principal […]

HRM 009- Performance Management-KPI, 26 & 27 August 2024

Introduction Performance management training is an initiative in which employees work with their company, namely their manager, to improve their workplace skills and performance. Performance management training aims to improve performance in the short term and advance career trajectory. Investing in training rewarding to the can be extremely entire business, including its clients and customers. […]

ADC 004 – Secretarial Skill Enhancement , 26 & 27 August 2024

INTRODUCTION Secretaries and administrators represent a special group of personnel who connects the organization’s management with other stakeholders – whether they are inside or outside the organization. Being a critical part of the organization, they need to be aligned and able to align others to the organization’s objectives and plans. They also must have certain […]

LSP 003 – Stress Management using Lego Serious Play, 3 & 4 September 2024

Introduction Stress in the workplace is an increasingly important issue. It is costly to both individuals and organizations. It narrows our ability to think clearly and function effectively. Stress can disable us physically and emotionally. Some stress however is both normal and beneficial, because it enables a person to seek answers to problems, redirect thinking, […]

BNK 003 – Invoice Mastery: Streamlining Your E – Invoicing Skills, 5 September 2024

INTRODUCTION E – Invoicing is revolutionizing the way businesses handle their invoicing processes by offering significant improvements in efficiency, substantial cost savings, and enhanced accuracy. This comprehensive course is specifically designed for beginners who want to understand the fundamentals of e-invoicing, particularly within the context of Malaysian regulations and industry practices.   Through this course, […]