Contact Dhena
About Dhena Doraisamy
- NLP Practitioner
- MWS Certified Trainer
- Certified NLP Coach
- Certified NLP Hypnotherapist
- Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
- Marketing in the New Norm
- Branding Now
- Bridging into Digital Marketing
- Critical Thinking Skills
- Content Marketing
- Dhena has a law degree with a certification as an NLP Practitioner, an NLP Coach & Hypnotherapist, a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Certified Mini Workshop Series Practitioner, a Law of Attractions Trainer, and a Virtual Learn Caster. She is a much sought for her marketing expertise and creativity besides her passion in Digital Marketing with its exciting landscape
- Her passion to uplift the community has got her involved in programs across the globe focusing on uplifting the underprivileged. Her pursuit continues with her burning desire to empower more people and that has become her mission on earth