This workshop is specially designed for experienced Credit Officers and it serves to empower them with skills that will help them in their roles. Having some understanding of Credit, they will build further expertise and sharpen their credit skills set.
Credit is very much an “art form” and this workshop’s activities will help them experience and develop appreciation. The First Day we would see participants moving from the Introduction, onto “World Café facilitation” used to magnify their existing knowledge and focus on what should be important. They then use activity to Understand a Business and come up with departmental business plans to present. The most important document (Bank Statement) is then examined for fraud and inconsistency.
On the second day; a local case study is used to understand and appreciate that credit is very often ‘ grey’ and with risk. Many points will be brought up by the participants and risk mitigation is covered. Pointers will be given on how to write well and lastly, an activity to pass on an effective questioning technique.