FAD 003 – Teknik Pengurusan Fail Dan Rekod Yang Efektif, 15 & 16 January 2025

PENGENALAN Program ini adalah bertujuan memberikan kesedaran dan pendedahan kepada peserta program berkaitan dengan  aspek pengurusan fail dan rekod di dalam sesebuah organisasi mengikut akta dan pekeliling yang telah ditetapkan.  Program ini secara khususnya adalah untuk meningkatkan dan menambah pengetahuan asas dan kemahiran peserta program ini untuk menguruskan rekod-rekod dan fail- fail di dalam sesebuah […]

MOF 003 – Microsoft Excel (Intermediate), 20 January 2025

INTRODUCTION The Microsoft Excel Intermediate course covers different functions and formula available in the Excel spreadsheet.  It is suitable for complete beginners or little prior knowledge of Excel.  At the end of this course, the participants will have a good understanding about the different features available in Excel which can be use daily at work […]

BCT 002 – The Important Elements of Budgeting & Planning, 20 January 2025

INTRODUCTION Like it or not, budget is the yardstick that top management uses to measure your actual performance. Learn budget planning skills and see how your managerial decisions translate into dollars and cents! If you’re a new manager who is slightly nervous about budget planning and communicating with finance personnel or an experienced manager who […]

HRM 015 – Industrial Relation & Benefit Compensation, 21 & 22 January 2025

Introduction Starting on 1 January 2023, the Employment Act 1955 has been amended to come into effect. This amendment will have a big impact especially on employers. Amendments have also been made to Schedule 1 of the Act which causes the scope of the Act’s coverage of workers in Peninsular Malaysia to be wider. Therefore, […]

LDM 015 – Managing Employee Attendance and Discipline 21 & 22 January 2025

INTRODUCTION It is important to understand that organization handle problematic employees in many situation differently and not all HR personnel, supervisors or even HOD have a knowledge on counselling or couching. Usually, minor misconduct can be resolve during counselling session. However, frequent / recurrence or minor misconduct may lead to major misconduct or gross misconduct, […]

HRM 001 – Succession Planning-Framework for the Better Future, 22 & 23 January 2025

INTRODUCTION For most organizations, identifying and retaining talent is the key to their continued growth and success. But with recruitment falling short of solving the overall problem, companies increasingly are looking to develop and implement succession planning strategies as a means of ensuring highly qualified employees are recruited and developed to fill every strategic role […]

HSE 005 – Productivity, Safety and Effective 5S, 22 & 23 January 2025

Introduction 5S is much more than just “housekeeping”. Housekeeping and an organized workplace are the results of 5S, but the real purpose of 5S is to uncover errors and problems more quickly. Implementing 5S at the same time will enhance Productivity and Safety as well.”. Objectives At the end of this course the participants will […]

SWP 007 – Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022, 22 & 23 January 2025

Introduction This training helps the participants to identify the applicable Safety and Health Legal Requirement pertaining OSHA (amendment) 2022 which was gazetted on 16 March 2022 and comes into operation on 1 June 2024. This course i to provide detail explanation on all Safety and Health related legal requirements based on OSHA 1994 as principal […]

HRM 006 – Kursus Pra Persaraan Membina Persaraan Yang Cemerlang , 5 & 6 February 2025

PENGENALAN Setiap seorang pekerja baik sektor awam atau swasta akan menempuh saat persaraan ketika mencecah usia yang berkenaan. Pada saat ini setiap individu mempunyai dilemma untuk menghadapi hidup menempuh alam yang baru yang tentunya berbeza dari alam sebelumnya. Persediaan haruslah dilakukan dari mental dan fizikal dalam usaha membina corak kehidupan selepas persaraan. Kursus pra-persaraan ini […]

FAD 002 – Pengurusan & Pentadbiran Pejabat, 5 & 6 February 2025

PENGENALAN Para pembantu tadbir dan kumuplan sokongan adalah merupakan ahli-ahli yang penting di dalam sebuah organisasi. Ini adalah kerana tanpa sokongan yang padu daripada mereka, kelancaran perjalanan organisasi akan terjejas. Modul in telah disusun khusus untuk para pembantu tadbir dan staff kumpulan sokongan untuk memberi pendedahan kepada konsep kualiti dan pembangunan diri dan membawa mereka […]

ACC 005 – Handling Fullset of Accounting, 6 February 2025

INTRODUCTION The Accounting for Non-Accountants course will provide a comprehensive introduction to the role of accounting in supporting and informing business decisions throughout the business. This course is designed for participants who have access, use, and rely upon accounting information, but do not have accounting training or background. The participants will also learn to perform […]

ISO 003 – ISO 9001: 2015 Internal Audit, 13 February 2025

INTRODUCTION An ISO 9001 quality management system is a systematic and process driven approach to managing your business. It is designed to support the company in ensuring you meet the needs of your customers, whilst delivering a consistent level of quality and satisfaction. OBJECTIVE   Aware of the changes to ISO 9001 and the reason […]