PDM 032- Managing Anxiety, Anger and Stress Management- 13 Oct 2023

INTRODUCTION The importance of stress, anxiety & anger management in a fast-paced industry demands that executives and managers not only possess the ability to remain calm during the workday but also have the attitude, knowledge and skills to ensure a stress-free office environment on a physical and behavioral level. This means that you need to […]

ADC 005 – Sharpening Administrative Reformation Program (SHARP), 13 Oct 2023

INTRODUCTION The current business trends and challenges had created a lot of new expectation on performance improvement. These had lead to the decision on maximizing the employee’s capabilities and competencies in order to meet the organizational goals continuously and consistently. It applies to every category of employees in the organization. The needs to have multi […]

LDM 026- People Management using a Behavioural Platform, 16 & 17 October 2023

INTRODUCTION The study of organizational behaviour gives insight on how employees behave and perform in the workplace. It helps us develop an understanding of the aspects that can motivate employees, increase their performance, and help organizations establish a strong and trusting relationship with their employees. OBJECTIVES At the end of the program, participants are able […]

STW 003 – Pengurusan Stor & Inventori Secara Berkesan, 16 October 2023

PENGENALAN Tugas yang berkaitan dengan pengurusan inventori dan stor adalah berbeza mengikut saiz dan jenis syarikat. Pengurusan inventori dan stor yang berkesan adalah tanggungjawab yang penting, kerana stor tidak menjual barangan yang mereka kendalikan, hanya menyimpannya atau menyediakan perkhidmatan logistik sehingga barangan dihantar kepada pelanggan yang dimaksudkan. Prosedur dan sistem kawalan stok serta fungsi pengambilan […]

PDM 015 – Grooming & Etiquette, 16 & 17 October 2023

Introduction How confident are you or your employee in the knowledge of business etiquette? Have you ever been embarrassed by not knowing quite the right handle yourself in social situations? Can a limp handshake sabotage a merger deal? Is your dress sabotage your career? Objective At the end of the course: Participants have a better […]

SUP 002 – Lean Supply Chain Management, 16 & 17 October 2023

INTRODUCTION Lean supply chain management is not only exclusively for those companies who manufacture products, but by businesses who want to streamline their processes by eliminating waste and non-value added activities. Companies have a number of areas in their supply chain where waste can be identified as time, costs or inventory. To create a leaner […]

MOF 003 – Microsoft Excel (Intermediate & Advanced) 16 & 17 Oct 2023

Objective Intermediate: Microsoft Excel Intermediate course will equip you with hands-on knowledge to leverage the power of data analysis and presentation in order to make informed, intelligent organizational decisions. Advanced: This advanced Excel course syllabus is designed for the intermediate Excel user who desires to learn more advanced skills. Learn the most advanced formulas, functions, […]

MOF 003 – Microsoft Excel (Beginner & Intermediate) 16 & 17 October 2023

Objective Beginner: Microsoft Excel Basic course will equip you with hands-on knowledge to create and develop Microsoft Excel worksheets, perform simple calculations and to create a simple chart. The course provides all necessary foundational skills on this topic. Intermediate: Microsoft Excel Intermediate course will equip you with hands-on knowledge to leverage the power of data […]

SUP 002 – Lean Supply Chain Management, 18 October 2023

INTRODUCTION Lean supply chain management is not only exclusively for those companies who manufacture products, but by businesses who want to streamline their processes by eliminating waste and non-value added activities. Companies have a number of areas in their supply chain where waste can be identified as time, costs or inventory. To create a leaner […]

HRM 015 – Industrial Relation & Benefit Compensation, 18 & 19 October 2023

Introduction Starting on 1 January 2023, the Employment Act 1955 has been amended to come into effect. This amendment will have a big impact especially on employers. Amendments have also been made to Schedule 1 of the Act which causes the scope of the Act’s coverage of workers in Peninsular Malaysia to be wider. Therefore, […]

PMS 005- The Art Of Delegating And Managing People Effectively 19 October 2023

Introduction In managing people effectively, using delegation is an important tool. This 2-day workshop is specially designed to equip the leader/manager for his challenging role as changes to the industry nowadays happen very quickly. Special attention is made to the communication & delegation aspects and the “win-win” situations they can position for. There will be […]

PDM 015 – Grooming & Etiquette, 19 October 2023

INTRODUCTION An ethical worker is loyal and committed to the goals of his organization by putting in their best efforts. Genuine effort and dedication towards company goals is appreciated and rewarded with remunerative and hierarchical growth by organizations that have a strong work ethic. Work ethic refers to a set of behavioral rules that create […]