HSE 005 – Productivity, Safety and Effective 5S, 22 & 23 January 2025

Introduction 5S is much more than just “housekeeping”. Housekeeping and an organized workplace are the results of 5S, but the real purpose of 5S is to uncover errors and problems more quickly. Implementing 5S at the same time will enhance Productivity and Safety as well.”. Objectives At the end of this course the participants will […]

SWP 007 – Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022, 22 & 23 January 2025

Introduction This training helps the participants to identify the applicable Safety and Health Legal Requirement pertaining OSHA (amendment) 2022 which was gazetted on 16 March 2022 and comes into operation on 1 June 2024. This course i to provide detail explanation on all Safety and Health related legal requirements based on OSHA 1994 as principal […]

HRM 006 – Kursus Pra Persaraan Membina Persaraan Yang Cemerlang , 5 & 6 February 2025

PENGENALAN Setiap seorang pekerja baik sektor awam atau swasta akan menempuh saat persaraan ketika mencecah usia yang berkenaan. Pada saat ini setiap individu mempunyai dilemma untuk menghadapi hidup menempuh alam yang baru yang tentunya berbeza dari alam sebelumnya. Persediaan haruslah dilakukan dari mental dan fizikal dalam usaha membina corak kehidupan selepas persaraan. Kursus pra-persaraan ini […]

FAD 002 – Pengurusan & Pentadbiran Pejabat, 5 & 6 February 2025

PENGENALAN Para pembantu tadbir dan kumuplan sokongan adalah merupakan ahli-ahli yang penting di dalam sebuah organisasi. Ini adalah kerana tanpa sokongan yang padu daripada mereka, kelancaran perjalanan organisasi akan terjejas. Modul in telah disusun khusus untuk para pembantu tadbir dan staff kumpulan sokongan untuk memberi pendedahan kepada konsep kualiti dan pembangunan diri dan membawa mereka […]

ACC 005 – Handling Fullset of Accounting, 6 February 2025

INTRODUCTION The Accounting for Non-Accountants course will provide a comprehensive introduction to the role of accounting in supporting and informing business decisions throughout the business. This course is designed for participants who have access, use, and rely upon accounting information, but do not have accounting training or background. The participants will also learn to perform […]

ISO 003 – ISO 9001: 2015 Internal Audit, 13 February 2025

INTRODUCTION An ISO 9001 quality management system is a systematic and process driven approach to managing your business. It is designed to support the company in ensuring you meet the needs of your customers, whilst delivering a consistent level of quality and satisfaction. OBJECTIVE   Aware of the changes to ISO 9001 and the reason […]

CRM 009 – Effective Customer Service, 17 & 18 February 2025

INTRODUCTION Customer is always right”. This is a common statement in customer service where customer‟s satisfaction is a priority. The salesperson must equip themselves with interpersonal skill to build a good relationship with their potential buyer. The importance of a great image and persona is to ensure the loyalty of the customer. Participants of this […]

MOF 016 – Microsoft Project, 17 & 18 February 2025

Introduction This course covers the critical knowledge and skills a project manager needs to create a project plan with Project during the planning phase of a project. In other words, if your supervisor assigns you to lead a project, this course will enable you to draft a project plan with Project and share it with […]

DVS 002 – Pemanduan Defensif (Defensive Driving), 18 & 19 February 2025

PENGENALAN Untuk mengurangkan kadar kemalangan dan kematian atas jalan raya. Untuk menghalang kemalangan dengan mengenal pasti risikonya – kawasan sekeliling/ sikap/ kekurangan maklumat. Objektif Diakhir sesi latihan ini, peserta akan dapat mempelajari: Mempersiap pemandu dengan gaya pemanduan yang akan mengurangkan kadar risiko semasa memandu. Kursus ini direka untuk mengubah tabiat pemandu sewaktu memandu kenderaan. Kebanyakkan pemandu mempunyai sikap pemanduan yang tidak sepatutnya […]

ELC 017 – Basic Electricity for Non-Electrician, 24 February 2025

INTRODUCTION This course is designed for Managers, Executives, Supervisors or even normal employees who have no electrical backgrounds but have to work in electronic environment for eg. Supervisors for Electrical Lab, Process engineer which deals with a lot of electrical equipment, or even an operator who is waiting for an opportunity to be promoted as […]

PDM 015 – Grooming & Etiquette, 25 & 26 February 2025

Introduction How confident are you or your employee in the knowledge of business etiquette? Have you ever been embarrassed by not knowing quite the right handle yourself in social situations? Can a limp handshake sabotage a merger deal? Is your dress sabotage your career? Objective At the end of the course: Participants have a better […]

LDM 021- Developing A Growth Mindset in Corporate Leaders, 26 & 27 February 2025

Introduction What do businesses leaders need today? A new way of thinking that opens a door they didn’t even know existed.  A way of thinking out of box that seeks a solution to an intractable problem through unorthodox or rational methods or elements that would normally be ignored by logical thinking.  They need to develop […]