PYR 002 – Pentadbiran dan Pengurusan Gaji yang Efektif (VL)

Virtual Learning (Zoom) , Malaysia

Pengurusan gaji merupakan salah satu fungsi utama dalm struktur dan peranan pengurusan sumber manusia. Kegagalan mentadbir dan mengurus gaji disebabkan kurangnya pengetahuan khususnya yang berkaitan dengan Akta Kerja 1955, boleh mengundang masalah yang berkaitan dengan perundangan, boleh menjejaskan hubungan perindustrian antara majikan dan pekerja serta imej organisasi. Program ini akan melengkapkan pengetahuan yang sewajarnya yang […]

PMS 003 – Human Resource Audit Identifying Talent Capacities in the Organization (VL)

Virtual Learning (Zoom) , Malaysia

Employee retention programs can help you protect your most valuable assets: your people. High turnover rates cost time and money and indicate that your organization is a stepping stone, rather than a destination. What is staff retention? What is an employee retention plan? What is an employee retention strategy? How do you improve employee retention

MKT 001 – Telemarketing Unlocking Key Clients

Virtual Learning (Zoom) , Malaysia

Introduction In the present challenging environment, companies will need to continuously engage in dynamic marketing in order to have a foothold in the market place.  As such, this program is designed to provide participants a framework for a well-structured marketing strategic plan, linking strategies with business goals. It will also provide participants with the principles […]


DVS 007 – Teori Pemanduan Berhemah (VL)

Virtual Learning (Zoom) , Malaysia

Kursus Pemanduan berhemah meliputi sesi ceramah , perbincangan dan kerja berkumpulan disertakan dengan teori serta amali sebenar yang bertujuan untuk memberi PENGENALAN dan menambah KEFAHAMAN Teknik pemanduan kenderaan yang betul kepada pemandu

ADC 011 – Clerical Development for Admin Staff (VL)

Virtual Learning (Zoom) , Malaysia

Organizations these days are physically run by middle level management.  There is bulk of the work done by a large group of employees at this level.  Most tasks and objectives are carried out successfully by this support team. The market place competition has intensified; as such we need a flexible change in roles of staff […]

LDM 018 – The Need For Effective Leadership and Supervisory Skills (VL)

Virtual Learning (Zoom) , Malaysia

This supervisor coaching/training program is focused on the responsibilities of effective supervisors in the organization. Notably, in addition to the organizational obligations, every supervisor has a personal life that must be balanced with the organizational demands. Supervisor coaching is needed for efficient and effective performance. Hence this coaching workshop for Supervisory Skills focuses on performance management skills in the workplace; teamwork and […]

WZH 002 – Chemical Handling, Control and Spill Response (VL)

Virtual Learning (Zoom) , Malaysia

This two days program creates “Cradle to Grave” understanding on the Chemical Handling in the organization. This training program is designed to provide you and/or your staff with  knowledge to recognize hazards, assess risks, understand the theory of spill response and enable you to plan for and respond to incidents in your organization.  

ADC 004 – World Class Secretarial Skill Enhancement (VL), 16 & 17 March 2021

INTRODUCTION Secretaries and administrators represent a special group of personnel who connects the organization’s management with other stakeholders – whether they are inside or outside the organization. Being a critical part of the organization, they need to be aligned and able to align others to the organization’s objectives and plans. They also must have certain […]

PDM 007 – Pengurusan Masa dan Kerja (VL)

Virtual Learning (Zoom) , Malaysia

Mendedahkan masalah pengurusan masa dan kerja serta teknik membaiki mutu kerja dan pengurusan masa berkualiti. Apabila kita mengurus masa dengan lebih berkesan dan efisien, kita boleh mengurangkan tekanan dan kekecewaan, malah perasaan akan merasa bertambah selesa. Melalui pengurusan masa, kita akan bertambah produktif di dalam tugasan yang dilaksanakan. Kita juga berharap warga kerja kita akan […]

FAD 001 – Pentadbiran Pejabat & Rekod Serta Pengendalian Mesyuarat (VL)

Virtual Learning (Zoom) , Malaysia

Dapat meningkatkan fahaman peranan pejabat Menambahkan pengetahuan kaedah pengurusan pejabat Dapat memberi perkhidmatan yang baik kepada pelanggan Dapat mengurus dan mengendalikan semua alat perhubungan pejabat Dapat menguruskan maklumat dan rekod pejabat dengan baik serta sistematik. Memahami semua persediaan awal sebelum mesyuarat Dapat menguruskan mesyuarat dengan teratur dan sistematik Dapat menjalankan mesyuarat dengan baik tanpa apa-apa […]

ACC 005 – Handling Fullset of Accounts (VL)

Virtual Learning (Zoom) , Malaysia

The 2-day workshop will review in detail the various types of transactions within an organisation and how these transactions are understood and accounted for following the fundamental accounting core concepts. The workshop will provide a walk-through for following the fundamental accounting core concepts. The workshop will provide a walk-through of a large number of basic […]