ACP 003 – Sistem Udara Termampat: Operasi, Senggaraan dan Keselamatan,12 & 13 Dec 2022

PENGENALAN Sistem penjanaan udara termampat dimanfaatkan dalam pelbagai jenis penggunaan industri dan domestik. Pemahaman yang mendalam mengenai prinsip asas, operasi dan senggaraan sistem udara termampat dan semua peralatan tambahan yang berkaitan dengannya adalah penting untuk memastikan sistem beroperasi pada tahap prestasi optimum serta menghasikan udara yang bermutu . Kursus ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan lagi pemahaman […]

LDM 009 – High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS): Competencies of Champions, 12 & 13 Dec 2022

INTRODUCTION The new requirements for performance in the new corporate landscape have changed. Managers and executives are evaluated by a new and unprecedented yardstick: they are no longer assessed just by their academic training and technical expertise, but also on how they think, and how well they manage themselves and others. Organizations of today take […]

LDM 019- Pengurusan Konflik dan Kerjasama Berkumpulan, 12 & 13 Dec 2022

PENGENALAN Dalam senario pekerjaan, pasti akan ada waktu dimana tiada tolan ansur. Hal ini akan mendorong kepada berlakunya perselisihan fahaman dan konflik. Kursus satu hari ini akan membincangkan pelbagai punca dan cara untuk membantu anda dalam mengurus konflik. Pengurusan konflik ini akan menjadi lebih berkesan dengan wujudnya kerjasama berpasukan. Kebaikkan kerjasama berkumpulan ini akan dapat […]

CWS 009 – Kursus Penulisan Surat Rasmi & Memo Berkualiti, 12 & 13 Dec 2022

PENGENALAN Kursus ini direka bentuk khas untuk staf sokongan & pegawai serta kakitangan kerajaan dalam menyediakan surat rasmi, kertas kerja dan laporan secara betul dan efektif. Para peserta akan didedahkan dengan teknik-teknik dan format terbaru oleh jurulatih yang berpengalaman dan terlatih. OBJEKTIF 1.Menerangkan cara penulisan surat rasmi yang betul  mengikut standard dan perkembangan terkini 2.Mempertingkatkan […]

STW 006- Pengurusan Aset, 12 & 13 Dec 2022

Objektif Memahami konsep pengurusan aset secara menyeluruh Memahami aliran kerja Pengurusan Aset Menyedari struktur peranan dan tanggungjawab dalam pengurusan aset Sasaran Peserta Pegawai/ kakitangan Kerajaan yang terlibat dalam mengurus aset Metodologi Pembelajaran dan pengajaran melalui kursus / taklimat dan latihan intensif dan penyediaan pelan perancangan aset

PDM 032- Anxiety, Anger & Stress Management, 12 & 13 Dec 2022

INTRODUCTION The importance of stress, anxiety & anger management in a fast-paced industry demands that executives and managers not only possess the ability to remain calm during the workday but also have the attitude, knowledge and skills to ensure a stress-free office environment on a physical and behavioral level. This means that you need to […]

FIN 012- Managing Risk: Key To Enhancing Organizational Resilience , 14 & 15 Dec 2022

INTRODUCTION Managing risk is one of the more important management functions, especially in today’s ever challenging business environment. All business sectors may face various risks that may test their resilience and sustainability. Risk is brought about by uncertainty due to hazards, globalization, competition, fast changing technology and various other internal and external drivers. Uncertainty presents […]

RDC 004 – Documents Management System, 19 & 20 Dec 2022

INTRODUCTION This course focuses on the principles of Document Management System, Coordination and control of the flow (storage, retrieval, processing, printing, routing, and distribution) of electronic and paper documents in a secure and efficient manner, to ensure that they are accessible to authorized personnel as and when required. Objective Understand the methods to build/ implement […]

ISO 002 – ISO 14001: 2015 Awareness Training, 19 & 20 Dec 2022

INTRODUCTION ISO 14001 is an international standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS). It is intended to provide your organization with the elements of an effective environmental management system to protect the environment and respond to changing environmental conditions in balance with socio-economic needs, which can also be integrated with other management system requirements. Objective Acquire […]

TRG 004 – Managing Smart Human Resource Development and Training Function Effectively, 19 & 20 Dec 2022

INTRODUCTION The role of training department in organizing Human Capital Development activities are equally important to other department roles and function especially in managing human resource development and talent . This particular program has been designed to build specific skills and competencies for staff who manage and coordinate training function in order for them to […]

HSE 006- Environmental Sustainability and Social Impact, 26 & 27 Dec 2022

INTRODUCTION In order to capitalise on the organisation’s sustainability investments, staff are required to acquire the awareness, education and workforce engagement that is aligned with company’s Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) goals. ESG is an approach is an approach to evaluate the extent to which a corporation works on behalf of social goals that go […]

HRM 009- Performance Management-KPI, 26 & 27 Dec 2022

Introduction Performance measurement development and KPI is a discipline that involves articulating what an organization is trying to accomplish and then identifying the most meaningful and useful indicators of success. Performance measures, or KPIs, are a key part of any strategic management system, as they are critical to assessing the effectiveness of strategy implementation. Meaningful […]