ADC 004 – Secretarial Skill Enhancement , 26 & 27 August 2024

INTRODUCTION Secretaries and administrators represent a special group of personnel who connects the organization’s management with other stakeholders – whether they are inside or outside the organization. Being a critical part of the organization, they need to be aligned and able to align others to the organization’s objectives and plans. They also must have certain […]

LSP 003 – Stress Management using Lego Serious Play, 3 & 4 September 2024

Introduction Stress in the workplace is an increasingly important issue. It is costly to both individuals and organizations. It narrows our ability to think clearly and function effectively. Stress can disable us physically and emotionally. Some stress however is both normal and beneficial, because it enables a person to seek answers to problems, redirect thinking, […]

BNK 003 – Invoice Mastery: Streamlining Your E – Invoicing Skills, 5 September 2024

INTRODUCTION E – Invoicing is revolutionizing the way businesses handle their invoicing processes by offering significant improvements in efficiency, substantial cost savings, and enhanced accuracy. This comprehensive course is specifically designed for beginners who want to understand the fundamentals of e-invoicing, particularly within the context of Malaysian regulations and industry practices.   Through this course, […]

HSE 005 – Productivity, Safety and Effective 5S, 10 & 11 September 2024

Introduction 5S is much more than just “housekeeping”. Housekeeping and an organized workplace are the results of 5S, but the real purpose of 5S is to uncover errors and problems more quickly. Implementing 5S at the same time will enhance Productivity and Safety as well.”. Objectives At the end of this course the participants will […]

MOF 005 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, 11 & 12 September 2024

INTRODUCTION This course introduces participants to the basics of Microsoft PowerPoint Participants will learn to create a simple presentation by adding  & modifying text, simple graphics and printing the presentation OBJECTIVES Discuss on how Microsoft PowerPoint can be an appropriate tool to run a day to day-business. Illustrate the different components of Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 […]

CWS 009 – Kursus Penulisan Surat Rasmi & Memo Berkualiti, 11 & 12 September 2024

PENGENALAN Ramai pegawai dalam mana-mana organisasi mengambil mudah mengenai kepentingan dokumen seperti surat rasmi, memo dan emel. Namun apabila diberikan tugasan bagi menyediakan dokumen berkenaan, hasilnya kadangkala tidak seperti yang dijangkakan. Realitinya, dokumen mudah ini membawa beban berat sebagai wakil organisasi dalam proses komunikasi tulisan. Oleh yang demikian, kemahiran penyediaan dokumen rasmi pengurusan yang berkesan […]

STW 006- Pengurusan Aset, 18 & 19 September 2024

Pengenalan Sistem pengurusan aset ialah proses yang digunakan oleh sesebuah organisasi untuk memantau dan mengurus aset mereka. Pengurusan aset yang efektif membolehkan organisasi tersebut untuk memaksimumkan pulangan pelaburan mereka dan meminimumkan kerugian. Melalui pengurusan aset yang efektif ini, pihak pengurusan dapat menjejaki prestasi keseluruhan dan keadaan aset mereka dan memastikan ianya digunakan dengan cekap sepanjang […]

ELC 017 – Basic Electricity for Non-Electrician, 18 & 19 September 2024

INTRODUCTION This course is designed for Managers, Executives, Supervisors or even normal employees who have no electrical backgrounds but have to work in electronic environment for eg. Supervisors for Electrical Lab, Process engineer which deals with a lot of electrical equipment, or even an operator who is waiting for an opportunity to be promoted as […]

PYR 004 -Akta Pekerjaan 1955 dan Pindaan 2022, 23 & 24 September 2024

PENGENALAN Mulai pada 1 Januari 2023, Akta Kerja 1955 telah dipinda mula berkuatkuasa. Pindaan ini akan memberi impak yang besar terutamanya kepada majikan. Pindaan juga telah dibuat terhadap Jadual 1 Akta yang menyebabkan skop liputan Akta terhadap pekerja di Semenanjung Malaysia semakin luas. Maka dengan itu, polisi dan prosedur pengurusan sumber manusia juga turut perlu […]

FAD 001 – First Aid Training and CPR Awareness Program, 25 & 26 September 2024

INTRODUCTION First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is usually performed by non-expert, but trained personnel to a sick or injured person until definitive medical treatment can be accessed. Certain self-limiting illnesses or minor injuries may not require further medical care past the first aid intervention. It generally […]

SWP 007 – Emergency Response Plan, 1 & 2 October 2024

INTRODUCTION This course is specifically designed by latest theory and technical approach to create awareness among trainees of their duties and responsibilities as Emergency Response Plan, and to obtain the necessary skill of identification of fire hazard, prevention and control as well as chemical spillage or release of hazardous gases at. This course also will […]

DVS 002 – Pemanduan Defensif (Defensive Driving), 01 & 02 October 2024

PENGENALAN Untuk mengurangkan kadar kemalangan dan kematian atas jalan raya. Untuk menghalang kemalangan dengan mengenal pasti risikonya – kawasan sekeliling/ sikap/ kekurangan maklumat. Objektif Diakhir sesi latihan ini, peserta akan dapat mempelajari: Mempersiap pemandu dengan gaya pemanduan yang akan mengurangkan kadar risiko semasa memandu. Kursus ini direka untuk mengubah tabiat pemandu sewaktu memandu kenderaan. Kebanyakkan pemandu mempunyai sikap pemanduan yang tidak sepatutnya […]